
Superannuation for the retirement you want

Setting aside money during your working life is vital if you want to retire comfortably. With a variety of superannuation funds on the market, it can be difficult to know which one will work best for you. We can help by developing a strategy that suits your circumstances and maximizes the money available to you when it’s time to retire.

Contact us to discuss superannuation

Providing superannuation advice that delivers for your future

Having a dedicated superannuation Fund can be a tax-effective way of saving for your retirement. But it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the choices. Hunter Financial provides well-researched superannuation advice, and we are accredited
to advise on self-managed super funds.

Your investment returns will impact how your quickly your super grows. Which is why it’s important to choose an investment mix that is appropriate to your timeframe and tolerance to market fluctuations.

Our approach to helping you with superannuation is to step you through the process and determine which superannuation products offer the appropriate features and benefits best suited to you.

Our advisers also consider:

• How active you want to be involved in your investments
• The level of choices and flexibility you want
• The income and capital you want to live during retirement
• How long your funds need to last
• Features, benefits vs costs of superannuation products

Taking steps to grow your superannuation now could make
a big difference to your future lifestyle.

What style of super product
best suits you

We help you understand what features and benefits are available, and the various superannuation product fees. You will then be in a better position to decide
what style of fund is most appropriate for you.

The following will help you to understand the different styles of super products.

Industry Superannuation

Created by industry bodies, industry superannuation is a fund that provides for the retirement of workers from a specific industry. Industry super choices are now available to the general public, including those who
don’t work within the industry field.

Retail Superannuation

Developed by financial institutions, retail super funds are to cater for those interested in investing and saving for retirement. Anyone can join these funds as they offer a large number of investment options and can help with the accumulation of wealth.

Full Wrap Service Superannuation

If you’re looking to open your investment choices, a full wrap service superannuation offers flexibility to design a portfolio tailored to suited your individual needs.

Hunter Financial can guide you on the endless choices to help uncover the features and benefits that are important to you. Superannuation and retirement funds can be complex, but our specialist advice will
help make it easier to understand.

Retire your way with the right superannuation

Contact us for clear and customised superannuation advice, today.

Contact us